- 日本酒蔵元
- Sake brewery
- 加茂錦
- Kamonishiki
新潟県加茂市を拠点に酒造りを行っている加茂錦のアイデンティティ。名峰 粟ヶ岳を源とする加茂川が市内を流れ、その湧き水をお酒の仕込み水として使用している。中国の古い漢字の「加」の左の偏を用いて川を表現し、一連のストーリーをビジュアライスした。
This represents the identity of Kamonishiki, a sake brewery in Kamo City, Niigata Prefecture. The brewery uses spring water from an underground aquifer in the Kamogawa River region in the sake preparation process. The river flows into the city from famed Mt. Awagatake. The left side of the ancient Chinese character for “Ka” represents the river, visually depicting the story of the brewery’s sake.
◎「加」の古い字形 Ancient Chinese character for “Ka”
加茂川より粟ケ岳を望むA view of Mt. Awagatake from the Kamogawa River

企業広告 | ポスターCorporate adverdising | Poster

The concept here was for the posters to look, at first glance, like regular portrait photos. It may be difficult to tell on monitors, but the models actually drank beforehand, getting a rosy blush. The goal was to create a new image for sake.

米袋の酒Sake in rice bag

Niigata is famous for its rice. We thought about how we could leverage that strength, and came up with the idea of wrapping bottles in rice bags. We believe a strong identity can be forged by using local culture in product creation.

無濾過酒 黄酒Unfiltered Sake Kishu

This unfiltered sake has light golden color. The japanese sake industry favors clear, colorless sakes, so color has been seen as taboo, but we found the color to be beautiful, so we used it for the product's identity. The design is completed by the cut out stencils, like those used when dying kimono, which let the color of the sake show through.

黄酒|ポスターPoster for Kishu

We treated plums, used in family crests and patterns, as symbolic elements. When presented with highly abstracted traditional Japanese designs, one is hesitant to carelessly alter them. This design is backed by reverence and awe for unbroken traditional culture.

祝酒「松」Festive Sake Matsu

This sake, which contains gold foil, is for use on various festive occasions. It features a motif of pine, which has long been a symbol of perennial youth and longevity, and of the Japanese characters Ooiri, meaning full house and representing business success. It conveys a feeling of traditional celebration in an easy-to-understand manner.

祝酒「大入」Festive Sake Ooiri


Kamonishiki strives to be a sake that complements modern meals. To depict this, we chose as main visuals depictions of ordinary life with sake. We had a rice farming family act as models, photographing seasonal activities like rice planting, rice harvesting, and snow shoveling. The website visuals are changed seven times per year.